Friday, 29 December 2017


5 years have had to happen to listen to a new release of the fantastic greek band of brutal death metal Birth Of Depravity and the truth that the wait has been worth it because they have returned with an excellent and brutal new work.
Birth Of Depravity is a greek band of brutal death metal that was founded in the year 2005. It was in 2008 when they released their first promo demo and it was not until 2012 for their first album "The Coming Of The Ineffable" which had a great repercussion and now we get his second album, a totally overwhelming release and loaded with an incessant brutality.
"From Obscure Domains" includes 9 tracks of devastating and violent brutal death metal with some more technical touches where the production is quite good where the guitars sound fast and sharp with destructive riffs, devastating rhythms on the bass and drums create some hellish rhythms and chaotic. The vocals sound thick,devouring,sick and all together has created a really crushing and destructive album.
9 tracks in 26 minutes of powerful, violent and devastating brutal death metal in an excellent album of a fantastic band that should have more recognition than it has. 9’5/10

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Thanks to everyone who supported us on BOS Fest 6

We would like to thank everyone in Brutality Over Sanity Fest, all the bands we shared the stage and organizators John Giakoumakis and Chris Dimopoulos for the invitation!! Keep it real Death Metal!!